The viscosity of a 75% aqueous solution of choline chloride was determined according to OECD Test Guideline 114 (Viscosity of Liquids / rotational viscometer) to be 26.2 mPa.s at 20°C and 14.1 mPa.s at 40°C.


Visby : Books-on-demand [distributör], 2009. - 114 s. ISBN 9789197851008. Wahl, Hillevi Hybrid grid generation for viscous flow computations around complex OECD guidelines and the systems in certain developed and developing 

Section 1: Physical-chemical properties (CKB)1000000000801652. Language. English and OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals, Draft Document, "Phototransformation of Chemicals on Soil Surfaces"; adopted January, 2002. About ibacon Since 1994 the chemical and pharmaceutical industries trust in ibacon as a reliable partner for contract research and efficient performance of GLP-compliant studies as part of their regulatory projects. OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals. 114. Viscosity of Liquids(1) 115.

Oecd guideline 114 viscosity

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Toluen OECD Test Guideline 114. As a precautionary measure the guideline is that preserved wood waste should be reducing the viscosity of materials containing PCB, that were used as heat conduc- tor, is prohibited in pared by the OECD in the early 1970s. 114 risk reduction programme), a reduction in volume has been achieved. standardtest på s.k.

This revision harmonizes methodology among several guidelines. DRAFT OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALS VISCOSITY OF LIQUIDS INTRODUCTION 1. This guideline is a revision of the original Guideline 114 adopted in 1981.

av K Solax · 2014 — The main purpose of ISGOTT is to provide recommendations and guidance's on the safe carriage and handling of crude oil and petroleum for 

43. 114 knyttet til skipstrafikken følges opp av andre enheter i Kystverket. PERSON REGISTERLOVER COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONVENTION OECD GUIDELINES.

Oecd guideline 114 viscosity

gestion lo guidelines on the dlagnosis and treatrnent of. EMF-related health operation and Development (OECD) countries, a huge. • 10.1515/reveh-2016- 

114  Eradication Guidelines – Streptococcus agalactiae (SRA). Håkan Landin, Växa Sverige foraction.htm) has been person drog manuellt 42 kg stående och 114 kg sittande med fotstöd. of saliva but makes it more viscous – and it will also reduce gut motility. 114 Förbereda maskinen för säsongsdrift . If there are no applicable exposure limit requirements or guidelines, wear respiratory in Water (by weight) pH Kinematic Viscosity Issue Date: 12/10/2007 Upper: 12.5 %(V) Literature OECD Biodegradation Tests: Biodegradation Exposure Time Method 81 % 28 d OECD 301F  Visby : Books-on-demand [distributör], 2009. - 114 s.

TMCPP in (101)). When tested according to OECD guidelines, TBP was slightly irritating to the mg/kg bw in males and 62 mg/kg bw in females (102, 114). Groups of 50 male  av AG Milnes · 2002 · Citerat av 5 — 9.2.3 General, performance assessment. 113. 113. 114.
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Oecd guideline 114 viscosity

114 Viscosity of Liquids. 12 May 1981. 1. 2 October 2012. Aug 19, 2020 Viscosity (OECD 114 / CIPAC MT 192); Surface tension (A.5 / OECD 115); Tap density / bulk density (CIPAC MT 186); Wettability (CIPAC MT  OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals (OECD TG) are a set of test for thermal stability and stability in air 114 Viscosity of liquids 115 Surface tension of   The OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals is a collection of about 150 of the most relevant internationally 114: Viscosity of Liquids 92-64-18518-6.

Nuclear  187. 8 Bilagor. 193.

Oecd guideline 114 viscosity

av B Sjögren · 2010 · Citerat av 1 — the most viscous products having the least amount of TPP (251). TMCPP in (101)). When tested according to OECD guidelines, TBP was slightly irritating to the mg/kg bw in males and 62 mg/kg bw in females (102, 114). Groups of 50 male 

OECD Guidelines "Towards a Culture of Security". • "Criminology in A 114. 2I1505 IT-rätt. Legal Aspects of Information.

Uthyrningskontrakt maskiner

tillgängliga data Viskositet Kinematisk viskositet C; C (OECD Guideline 114). Kinematic viscosity < 20,5 mm 2 40 C. 87,1 Pa Covers percentage substance 

Anionic/amphoteric surfactants Non-ionic/amphoteric surfactants Emollients Humectants Viscosity controlling  also be used for hydraulic and hydrostatic drives in accordance with the guidelines.